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Diversity & Inclusion


The Diversity and Inclusion Committee will ensure the DCA’s actions and committees proactively and consistently advance our mission to build an inclusive, equitable, and diverse neighborhood. 

Statement of Commitment

The DCA acknowledges and regrets Dilworth’s shameful history of restrictive property covenants.  We are committed to an ongoing, intentional practice of introspection and understanding in order to use our collective power to actively create equity and social transformation.    

The Diversity and Inclusion committee will strive to cultivate a community where all feel welcome, respected, and valued.  We will work to enrich Dilworth’s diversity of age, gender, ability, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, and education; we will embrace and celebrate a broader spectrum of perspectives, experiences, and cultures. 

Initiatives & Objectives


  • Provide learning opportunities about Dilworth’s history as it relates to systemic racism to encourage understanding and acknowledgement of privilege and oppression. 

  • Create and publicize events that celebrate different cultures, ethnicities, and nationalities

Build Bridges with Diverse Neighborhood

  • Attend other community meetings to learn and better understand those communities’ experiences and issues. 

  • Invite other neighborhood leaders to our meetings.

  • Cultivate partnerships and ongoing relationships with those communities.

Encourage Greater Diversity of Dilworth Residents

  • Nurture and promote a culture of inclusivity and equity. 

  • Work with relocation teams, the Charlotte Regional Business Alliance, and other economic development groups to market Dilworth to all homebuyers.

Explore Opportunities to Establish Greater Range of Housing Options

  • Begin research and discussions with local government, affordable housing coalitions, and subject experts to identify possible housing solutions for Dilworth.


We welcome input from the community.  Please send any suggestions, questions, or feedback here.

Webinar Links

Sept. 29:  Tom Hanchett 



Oct 13:  Panel Discussion



This is a small sampling of available resources. We will update the

list periodically.

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